Apache Kafka vs. RabbitMQ

Nil Seri
3 min readNov 16, 2021


Short Notes about Messaging Protocols, Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Before choosing a messaging queue, there are some concepts, based on your requirements, that should be taken into consideration. Some of them are:

  • Broker Scale: The number of messages sent per second in the system.
  • Consumer Capability: Whether the broker is capable of managing one-to-one and/or one-to-many consumers.
  • Data Persistency: The ability to recover messages.
  • Subscription Types: Whether messages are lost or not if a consumer is down. These are:
    Ephemeral subscription: When the consumer stops running, then the subscription and any unprocessed messages are lost.
    Durable subscription: The subscription is maintained even if a consumer shuts down. When the consumer is running again, the message processing is resumed.


  • A traditional general purpose message broker.
  • Supports multiple messaging protocols like AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP.
    AMQP: (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) An open standard application layer protocol for message-oriented middleware
    MQTT: A lightweight, publish-subscribe network protocol that transports messages between devices
    STOMP: A simple (or streaming) text orientated messaging protocol
  • Delivers messages through both point-to-point and pub-sub methods.
    Point-to-point: It is based on the concept of sending a message to a named destination.
    Pub-sub: Any message published to a topic is immediately received by all of the subscribers to the topic.
  • Supports legacy applications (with plugins)
  • Best at complex routing logic.

Scale: around 50K msg per second.
Persistency: both persistent (Kafka stores a persistent log which can be re-read and kept indefinitely) and transient messages.
Subscription Types: both durable and ephemeral.

Main Use Cases:
- Background jobs or long-running tasks (like file scanning, image scaling or PDF conversion, etc).
- As a middleman between microservices (for example, notifications for order handling, at each order update — order placed, update order status, send order, payment, etc.).

Components: producers, exchanges, queues, and consumers.

  • A producer pushes messages to an exchange (direct, topic, etc.), which then routes messages to queues (or other exchanges).
  • A consumer then continues to read messages from the queue, often up to a predetermined limit of messages.

Message Order: The queues are sequential and FIFO (first in, first out) with RabbitMQ. FIFO ordering is not guaranteed for priority and sharded queues.



  • Handle high throughput, low latency processing.
  • Replicates a publish-subscribe service.
  • Best at large amounts of data

Scale: can send up to a millions messages per second.
Persistency: both persistent and transient messages.
Subscription Types: both durable and ephemeral.

Main Use Cases:
- High-throughput activity tracking
- Stream processing (stream of events)
- Event sourcing
- Log aggregation (ELK stack)

Components: producers, consumers, clusters, brokers, topics, and partitions.

  • Producers send records to clusters, which store those records and then pass them to consumers.
  • Each server node in the cluster is a “broker,” which stores the data provided by the producer until it is read by the consumer.

Message Order: Kafka guarantees order within a partition (in a round robin fashion), but not across partitions in a topic. It is also possible to have producers add a key to a message — all messages with the same key will go to the same partition.

For more details about Apache Kafka’s architecture, you can read my other post:

Happy Coding!



Nil Seri
Nil Seri

Written by Nil Seri

I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code | coding 👩🏻‍💻 | coffee ☕️ | jazz 🎷 | anime 🐲 | books 📚 | drawing 🎨

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