Compression in Zimbra

Compression Types in Zimbra

Nil Seri
4 min readJan 26, 2021
Photo by Mathyas Kurmann on Unsplash

Http Compression

( zimbraHttpCompressionEnabled parameter in “/conf/attrs/zimbra-attrs.xml” file.


<attr id="1467" name="zimbraHttpCompressionEnabled" type="boolean" cardinality="single" optionalIn="globalConfig,server" flags="serverInherited" requiresRestart="mailbox" since="7.2.5"><globalConfigValue>TRUE</globalConfigValue><desc>Whether or not to enable HTTP compression. Defaults to true.</desc></attr>

Run this command and see the output (don’t forget to change the url):

sudo -u zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/zmprov gs zimbrathree.nils.local | grep -i compress

zimbraMailUncompressedCacheMaxBytes → Deprecated since: 6.0.7 (uncompressed files on disk will never exceed zimbraMailFileDescriptorCacheSize.. Orig desc: max number of bytes * stored in the uncompressed blob cache on disk)

zimbraMailUncompressedCacheMaxFiles → Deprecated since: 6.0.7 (The number of * uncompressed files on disk will never exceed * zimbraMailFileDescriptorCacheSize.. Orig desc: max number of files in * the uncompressed blob cache on disk)

Volume Compression

Run this command and see its output:

sudo -u zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/zmvolume -l

Via Zimbra Admin Screen:

Select “Compress Blobs” and click OK.

After that, when you query the config parameter again:

“When you enable compression existing blobs aren’t touched.”

“Blob compression is being done on demand. I you disable Blob compression all new data wil be stored as uncompressed data. When you re-enable compression existing blobs aren’t touched but all new data exeeding “compressionThreshold” (4k default) will be stored as compressed Blob again.
If you want to re-compress all existing data on a message store there are several ways to do this. e.g. moving the Message store by enabling HSM.”

“If Compress Blobs is enabled (YES), the disk space used is decreased, but memory requirements for the server increases.”

Via Admin Soap API:

You can set Volume parameters via Admin Soap API:

<CreateVolumeRequest><volume type="..." name="..." rootpath="..."compressBlobs="..." compressionThreshold="..."/></CreateVolumeRequest><CreateVolumeResponse><volume id="{id}"/></CreateVolumeResponse>Notes:id: ID of volumetype: type of volume;1 = primary message volume2 = secondary message volume10 = index volumename: name or description of volumerootPath: absolute path to root of volume, e.g. /opt/zimbra/storecompressBlobs: boolean value that specifies whether blobs in thisvolume are compressedcompressionThreshold: long value that specifies the maximum uncompressedfile size, in bytes, of blobs that will not be compressed(in other words blobs larger than this threshold are compressed)isCurrent: 1 if the volume is current, 0 if not-----------------------------<GetVolumeRequest id="{id}"/><GetVolumeResponse><volume id="{id}" type="..." name="..." rootpath="..."compressBlobs="..." compressionThreshold="..."isCurrent="0|1"/></GetVolumeResponse>-----------------------------<GetAllVolumesRequest/><GetAllVolumesResponse><volume .../>+ <!-- each volume element is same as in GetVolumeResponse --></GetAllVolumeResponse>-----------------------------<ModifyVolumeRequest id="{id}"><volume [type="..."] [name="..."] [rootpath="..."][compressBlobs="..."] [compressionThreshold="..."]/></ModifyVolumeRequest><ModifyVolumeResponse/> has Zimbra tables, you can inspect columns in table “Volume”:

compress_blobs BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
compression_threshold BIGINT NOT NULL, : “useCompression” and “getCompressionThreshold” is being used in method “append”.

For Zimbra Object Store extension (you can see my post here), the class we used to extend has “storeIncoming” method. Here, its value is being set to “false”.

public Blob storeIncoming(InputStream data)throws IOException, ServiceException {return storeIncoming(data, false);}@Overridepublic Blob storeIncoming(InputStream data, boolean storeAsIs) throws IOException,ServiceException {BlobBuilder builder = getBlobBuilder();// if the blob is already compressed, *don't* calculate a digest/size from what we writebuilder.disableCompression(storeAsIs).disableDigest(storeAsIs);return builder.init().append(data).finish();}

The default store manager of Zimbra also has “storeIncoming(InputStream in, boolean storeAsIs)” method.

Happy Coding!



Nil Seri
Nil Seri

Written by Nil Seri

I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code | coding 👩🏻‍💻 | coffee ☕️ | jazz 🎷 | anime 🐲 | books 📚 | drawing 🎨

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